Lincoln Highway Association California
Lincoln Highway Association

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes — Saturday, January 9, 2021

Online video conference via Zoom

  1. Meeting called to order: 1 PM
    1. As people logged in, it seemed there was a lot of difficulty logging in to the Zoom meeting. Mark Hoffman offered his business’s Zoom account for the next meeting that may not require as many steps to log into.
  2. Attendance and introductions
    • Joel Windmiller (President)
    • Neil Rodrigues (State director)
    • Trey Pitsenberger (Vice-president)
    • Paulette Johnston (Recording Secretary)
    • Grant Gassman (Treasurer)
    • Jimmy Lin (Webmaster)
    • Mark Burnside
    • Bob Chase
    • Chuck and Nora Elderton
    • Greg Gassman
    • Paul Gilger
    • Paul and Sally Hoeprich
    • Mark Hoffmann
    • Myrna Johnston
    • Julia Oversloot
    • Jeff Petersen
    • Steve Ross
    • Lee Schegg
    • Frank Squire
    • Kendra Stoll
    • Joe Teresi
    • Bill von Tagen
  3. Approval of October 2020 meeting minutes
    1. Jimmy motioned to approve the October meeting minutes, Greg seconded.
    2. Motion passed.
  4. Officer, Staff, & Committee Reports
    1. Neil Rodrigues: State Director
      1. Illinois and California conferences have been postponed an additional year, due to Covid-19. Illinois will host in 2022 and California in 2023.
      2. National liked the idea of the donation button, so they will be moving forward on adding that to the website.
      3. New discussion group hosted at Please sign up for the new distribution group. Go to
    2. Joel Windmiller: President
      1. We will continue to maintain Zoom meetings due to the plague.
      2. Nevada chapter will be holding off on all activities for at least six months, and we have decided to adhere to that timeline also. Therefore, our meeting on April 3 will be scheduled for Zoom.
      3. Ebay auctions with original 1928 markers are for sale. Discussion about what should be done about acquiring the posts.
        1. One has a medallion, one does not.
        2. Seems like it might be more of a question for National to see if they can buy back these markers.
        3. Since one is in Nevada and one is in Indiana, someone will contact those chapters to see if they have any interest in trying to purchase.
        4. Someone will also contact the Marshall County Historical Society in Plymouth, Indiana to see if they have any interest in purchasing a marker.
      4. Glenn Beck update: He is still scheduled to travel from east to west along the Lincoln Highway and photograph all the markers along the way. This trip will be in the spring.
      5. Digital copy of a reel-to-reel tape of Elmer Butts has been acquired and passed on to Trey. He traveled the highway in the 1930s as a mail carrier, carrying mail from Placerville to Tahoe. Butts would stay overnight and make the return trip the next day. Mr. Butts was 90 years old when this interview was made. The tape has good sound quality.
    3. Trey Pitsenberger: Vice-President/Signage/Traveler editor
      1. The Traveler: The first issue was a challenge, but now that he has the basic setup, it will be easier to create issues in the future. Please send him articles, photos of any travel on the LH, as well as any human interest stories.
      2. Signage: Trey contacted the Placer County Water Authority to talk about the Ophir Road Monument along the LH, which was installed in 2014 and is in need of some care. The monument includes a section of old concrete highway, in which a hole had been gouged out. Trey has filled in the hole with a concrete patch. There was discussion about what could be put on top of the monument to keep the signs from fading and to protect the concrete.
      3. City of Folsom
        1. The city has a 1928 post in storage. They have been wondering what they should do with the post. After some research, Trey found a Traveler article from July 2009 that it was donated by Lee Holifield and Ray Helm to the City of Folsom in 2009. It was part of an exhibition in the Fulton History Museum on Folsom’s bridges.
        2. The city is excited about putting up signs in Folsom. There is a real interest in being a part of the history of the LH. Trey will hold a Zoom meeting in the near future about how to go about getting this done. Hopefully the post (from above) can be put somewhere along that part of the highway. He will also suggest that the post gets placed in the museum to prevent vandalism. There was discussion about putting the original post in the museum and making a replica post that could be placed outside.
          1. Bill von Tagen motioned to approve action for Trey to contact Folsom about the various ideas above. Lee seconded the motion. No vote was taken on this motion.
          2. There was more discussion about whether the post is really an original 1928 post. Trey will look into this and report back at the next meeting.
      4. Trey has expanded his horizons once again by joining the LH marketing committee.
    4. Grant Gassman: Treasurer
      1. Two deposits from National: $153 and $189
      2. Two reimbursements: Hard drive to Trey: $60. PO Box rent: $90
      3. Balance: contact chapter for details
    5. Paulette Johnston: Secretary
      1. No report
    6. Gary Kinst: Chapter Historian
      1. He is sheltering in place and is wishing us well, hoping to see us in the future. He is gathering photos for PowerPoint updates and is working on articles for further Traveler issues. Props to Trey for a great first issue as editor of the Traveler.
    7. Jimmy Lin: Website update
      1. Shared a Google Slides deck showing usage numbers and trends.
      2. Trey has begun to help out on our social media accounts: Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
      3. Jimmy showed some options for online membership and donation buttons that can be added to the website. More research will be done as well as discussion with National before we add these buttons to our website.
    8. Speakers/Presentations:
      1. Neil has two lined up when we can all begin to meet again.
    9. Mark Hoffman: Tours
      1. He working on an around-town type of tour. Business has been slow and this has definitely been a tough time for his company.
      2. He is hoping to have two day trips in the spring that have outdoor stops along the highway.
  5. Officer Elections [Joel]
    1. Running for re-election:
      • President: Joel Windmiller
      • Vice President: Trey Pitsenberger
      • Treasurer: Grant Gassman
      • Recording Secretary: Paulette Johnston
      • Field Secretary: Trey Pitsenberger
    2. Joel motioned to keep the officers as is, due to nobody else running for a position. Lee seconded. Officers re-elected.
  6. Meeting Adjournment
    1. Jimmy moved to adjourn the meeting and Trey seconded. Motion passed.
    2. Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.
  7. Next chapter meeting: April 3, 2021 at 12:30pm on Zoom.

Respectfully submitted by
Paulette Johnston, Secretary
January 9, 2021

Edited by Joel Windmiller and Jimmy Lin